Tips & Tricks

Apart from the BYOD iPads, many of our students from other grades have regular use of an iPad. All classrooms also have available a number of chromebooks laptops. As an educational tool, the mobile device has allowed greater access to resources and ample opportunity for students to create and personalise their learning. At home, while the use of an iPad will differ from one family to the next, there are nevertheless important reoccurring themes that are important to remember as parents.

How do I establish a common understanding with my child?

Share the experience with your child: Ask your child to demonstrate the way they use their iPad at school. Ask your child to teach you how to use the iPad. Have a go at using some of the apps with your child. Have a set time where children can access the iPad.

We suggest creating a 'Family Tech Agreement' to help create healthy device routines. Great templates can be found on the eSafety website - link

As a parent, what further resources can I access to help me know and set boundaries for online safety and use?

As parents and teachers, we are committed to supporting our students in developing skills in and greater awareness of digital citizenship.

  • The ACT Government (2024) has this handy guide about Personal Safety, including online issues. Protecting_Your_Kids_Personal_Safety_Education_for_parents.pdf
  • The Australian Government Office of the eSafety Commissioner has an extensive website containing guides to parental controls, advice for issues like online bullying, a 'Report Abuse' button, and education guides for all ages
  • The Australian Federal police ThinkUKnow website has factsheets in it's resource tab, which helps parents know what to look for and say in many areas. Use the resource filter tool to aid your search. Factsheets are available in many different languages.
  • The Alannah & Madeline foundation website contains advice for parents on various online and safety topics in its Learning and Resources tab.

Is there any need for me to supervise my child while using the device?

It is important for parents to monitor usage. This may include supervising visited websites through the Favourites section and having an awareness as to which iPad applications are being used. It is also worthwhile to remember that the amount of time children spend on the device needs to be negotiated with you. Set time limits. There needs to be a balance between completing schoolwork and recreational time spent on the device. Remember the iPad was initially purchased as a learning device. Therefore, we need to demonstrate to our children that we value the device as a teaching and learning tool rather than a gaming device.

Do the students still use books etc. to do their work?

Yes the students still use books every day; the iPad is viewed as another tool to enhance learning.

How much time is spent on their iPad each day in class?

This will vary, depending on how the teacher & student decide to use the device to support their learning. It may be used for drill & practice during a Maths or Spelling/ literacy lesson, organising and creating work as a result of an inquiry/research task in a work flow situation using Google Classroom, story-writing, using a dictionary, referring to the Bible, searching for a location using Google Earth, internet searching at the various times of need during the day, collaborating on a task, participating in a virtual excursion (e.g. Art Gallery, zoo etc.) taking photos to use in a task, connecting & collaborating with other students, emailing work or uploading to Class Blog. Assessments, including PAT tests and NAPLAN, are completed online.

Students also have access to various subscription sites which will be used at school and home. Mathletics (Years 2-6), Reading Eggs (Years K-1), SORA - ACT digital library, EPIC digital library, MultiLit reader library. Teachers will provide logins and insturctions at the beginning of each year.

How about battery life?