For Parents

We use several important channels to communicate effectively between school and home:

  • COMPASS app and website is our main communication channel. Our office will issue you with login details. Hint - search for 'PEARCE' when downloading the app. Click here for instructions. We now use COMPASS for:
    • school notifications (email and app)
    • student academic reports
    • parents and carers lodging absence notes
    • event information and permissions (payments through Qkr! or our office)
    • school calendar
    • weekly newsletters each Thursday (email and app)
    • updating of family information (emails, phone numbers) and emergency contacts
  • Qkr! (app or website) for all online payments - including fees, events, uniform and canteen ordering
  • Website - full calendar, enrolments, school information and publications
  • Email    staff email =
  • Facebook pages: @SHPSPearce and our private group @Sacred Heart Parents And Carers
  • Occasionally printed notes/flyers will be sent home with your eldest child
  • Orientation Days and Information Meetings
  • Parent-Teacher Interviews and Learning Journeys
  • Community Council Parent Forums 
  • Parent Information Notes (PIN). At the beginning of each term notes are created containing class organisation and learning plans. Click here
  • See our 'What to do if...?' flowcharts below.
  • Your child’s teacher is your first point of contact for most questions. 
school festival

How can I have a say?

Our parent bodies currently include:

  • Community Council
  • Class parent reps

Contact the office for information about these bodies. 

Helping at School

We welcome parent/carer/grandparent helpers in many ways. These may include:

  • Class Parent Reps
  • Classroom assistance
  • Sport carnivals and gala days
  • Canteen
  • Working Bees
  • Events - such as Mother's Day, Father's Day, Carols
  • Excursions
  • Fundraising activities – such as FETE and Colour Run

Please note: Volunteers are guided by our ‘Code of Conduct’ and CE Parent Charter. Classroom Helpers are asked to sign our school Classroom Assistance Agreement and to lodge a copyof your WWVP at the front office. Volunteers in contact with students must carry their WWVP card – visit the Access Canberra website for information.


Use Qkr! for payment of all types, including activities, fees, canteen and uniform items. Qkr! is available online or via the Qkr! App.

Click here to view the Download instructions

Qkr! by Mastercard is our preferred method of payment. Qkr! allows parents and carers to make faster, more convenient payments from a secure mobile site or app anywhere and at any time.

Click here to log in

What do I do if......? FAQ

* I want to know what is happening this term in the school?

  1. Calendar on the website or COMPASS app
  2. Newsletter or COMPASS notices
  3. Ask a question about an event on the Parent's & Carers Facebook group @Sacred Heart Parents And Carers
  4. Class teacher
  5. Parent rep
  6. Front Office
  7. See photos of things that happened in the newsletter and the School Facebook page @SHPSPearce

* I want to know what is happening this term in my child’s class?

  1. Term Parent Information Note (PIN)
  2. Calendar on the website or COMPASS
  3. Newsletter or COMPASS notices
  4. Class teacher
  5. Parent Rep

* I need to update my child’s details?

     Update your details using your COMPASS app (immediate). Or you can email the front office.

* I'm concerned about my child’s social interactions?

  1. Arrange a quick chat with your child’s teacher
  2. Refer to the website Wellbeing Page for links and information to support you
  3. Responding to bullying – refer to Pastoral Care and Welfare Policy, Bullying Statement and find support on the wellbeing page
  4. Email your child’s teacher to make an appointment. Include a brief overview of your concerns so the teacher can prepare
  5. Your child’s teacher can put you in contact with our Student Welfare Officer or our School Counsellor

* I want to organise playdates for my child?

  1. Approach the parents of your child’s friends directly or via a note in their bag
  2. The class parent rep may have a list of contacts or ideas
  3. Class teacher

* I want to meet other families?

  1. Attend school gatherings such as masses and assemblies
  2. Park and pick up your child alongside other parents on Murphy St or near the school hall
  3. Help with school activities by responding to event notes
  4. Attend events organised by your Class Parent Reps. Suggest activities to your rep
  5. Enrol your child in an activity such as soccer or netball with other school families

* I want to know about my child's academic progress?

  1. In all instances, firstly make an appointment via email to see the Class Teacher
  2. You can access current and past semester academic reports on COMPASS  
  3. For further support contact the Front Office to make an appointment with the Stage Coordinator

* There is a family emergency?

  1. If urgent, call the Front Office
  2. Email the Front Office. We do not expect class teachers to check emails while teaching

* I want to help out at school or in the classroom?

  1. Contact the ACT Government to get a Working With Vulnerable Persons Card (WWVP) if you are a regular volunteer. Access Canberra link
  2. See ‘For Parents’ tab on our website, scroll down to ‘Helping at school’
  3. Contact your teacher directly via email
  4. See notes, Newsletter and notices through COMPASS for one-off events.
  5. To help in the School Canteen go to ‘Help in the Canteen’ on the school website and download the ‘Volunteer Form’
  6. Contact your classes Parent Representatives
  7. Put your name down on the helpers list at the Parent Information Night

* Who do I talk to if I have a grievance or complaint?

  1. Consider talking to the classroom teacher first
  2. View the Complaints Policy on the Catholic Education website to follow procedures to bring your need to the correct person 

* I need to know about the School Uniform and to buy items?

  1. View our Uniform Policy on our website.
  2. We sell the full range of uniform items and accessories, both new and second-hand, through our Uniform Shop (clothing pool) beside our canteen. You are able to browse and  try on items.
  3. Use QKr! to see pricing and to make an online order.

* When is...?

  1. Sport uniform days, Library, Italian, Arts for my class this term – check the Term PIN and Week 10 newsletters.
  2. Canteen Days – School Website (Canteen Page)  and Qkr!
  3. Uniform Shop – School Website (Canteen Page) newsletters and online ordering with Qkr!
  4. Out of School Hours Care (YMCA) – School Website (OSHC Page)
  5. Choir, Chess, Gardening and other Lunch Clubs – School Website (Weekly Events) and Week 1 newsletters
  6. TOM, Gala Days, Book Week – School Calendar
  7. Private Music Lessons - See the Newsletter or Contact the Front Office
  8. Private Chess Group - See the Newsletter or Contact the Front Office

* I can't find the information I want?

  1. Type a key word into the search bar on the website. Look at the suggested links
  2. Ask a question on the Parent's & Carers Facebook group @Sacred Heart Parents And Carers
  3. Talk to or email your Class Parent Rep
  4. Talk to or email your child's teacher(s)
  5. Ask any staff member around the school
  6. Suggest an addition to our communication streams. Contact us