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Dear Community,
As we near the middle of the term, it’s incredible to see how quickly time flies! Our children are now well and truly settled into their school routines, and it’s important that we continue this great momentum.
Year 5 and 6 Camp
I am currently attending the Year 5 and 6 camp with over 40 of our senior students, along with staff members Mrs. Kelly, Mr. Sweeney, and Mrs. Schneider. Camp is a fantastic opportunity for students to step out of their comfort zones, take on new challenges, and build strong social connections. We are at the NSW Sport and Recreation Camp in Berry on the South Coast, where the students will engage in various exciting activities.
I look forward to spending this valuable time with our senior students. Keep an eye on our social media for updates—but rest assured, they are in very good hands!
Principal’s Retreat
Next week, I will be attending our annual Archdiocesan Principal’s Retreat. This retreat provides an important opportunity to reflect on my Catholic school leader role and connect with other Principals from across our Archdiocese. Our Archdiocese spans a vast area, from Crookwell in the north, down to Pambula in the south, and as far west as Lake Cargelligo—an area larger than the state of Tasmania! It’s always a valuable time to gather with fellow Principals and members of the Catholic Education Office. I will be away on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next week.
First Reconciliation Preparation
Many of our Year 4 students are currently preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which will take place next Wednesday evening. This Sacrament is an important step in their faith journey, allowing them to reflect, seek forgiveness, and grow in their relationship with God. Please keep our young people and their families in your prayers as they prepare for this special occasion.
Community Council AGM
A reminder that our Community Council AGM will be held on Thursday, 13 March, at 6:00 pm. All parents and community members are warmly invited to attend. This is a great opportunity to hear about the school’s progress, provide input, and be involved in shaping our future. Please mark it in your diaries—we would love to see you there!
Thank you for your ongoing support of our school community.
In faith and partnership,
David Austin
As Assistant Principal and Child Safe Advocate, I bring to your attention the importance of your child attending school every day, for the whole day.
ACT law requires students of mandatory school age to be enrolled at school and attend all days the school is open. Schools have a legal duty and a pastoral obligation to encourage attendance and respond to absenteeism. Parents are responsible for ensuring the student is enrolled and attends full-time. Sacred Heart is guided by the CECG Attendance Policy. Key points are highlighted below:
- ‘Parents/carers must ensure that enrolled students attend every day of school, and every activity or event the school requires the student to attend, during the required times. This is known as the ‘full-time participation’ requirement.’
- Teachers mark the roll on Compass every morning. At Sacred Heart we have a high percentage of children with 90-100% attendance. This is an amazing statistic! When we look at the rate of full day attendance (eg. arriving late or leaving early) the data is not as good.
- Our school teaching day is between 8.55am - 3.15pm
- ‘Parents/carers must provide an explanation to the school for any absence, ideally on or before the day of absence, and no more than five school days after the absence occurs. At Sacred Heart Parents/carers may be liable under the ACT or NSW Education Acts if students fail to attend school without a reasonable excuse.’
- To notify of an absence use the COMPASS app.
- If your child is absent for three days without explanation we have a duty of care to phone contacts until an explanation is made.
- If no explanation is lodged for an absence, we will send out a reminder to lodge the explanation and seek further contact as necessary.
- ‘Parents/carers must notify the school of planned absences of up to 25 school days in a 12 month period (including 25 part days) in writing, including the reason for the absence’.
- Please contact us for the form to complete to seek formal leave approval.
- ‘Planned absences of more than 25 days in a 12-month period, other than sick leave, have additional requirements and parents/carers must apply in advance for extended leave or exemption. The application and approval process complies with strict requirements of the NSW and ACT governments.’
- Please contact us for the form to complete to seek formal leave approval.
- Principals or delegates must respond to all emerging absenteeism (<90% attendance) with support to improve attendance.
- We are here to support you in ensuring your child attends school. Please talk to your child’s teacher, Mr Austin or myself. We have many options to make it easier for you and your child to have ‘full-time’ participation at school.
Child Safety
A handy resource for parents has been published by the ACT government. It reminds us that small, regular conversations are important in teaching our children how to be safe in the world, socially and online. This guide is aimed at parents with tips and language to use with your child.
Please download to save the guide to read in your own time. Protecting your Kids - Personal Safety Education for Parents.
Yours in working together
Kerry Wode
Term 1 2025 | ||
Week 4 | ||
Wednesday 26th February |
Wednesday 26th-Friday 28th February |
Week 5 | ||
Tuesday 4th-Friday7th March |
Wednesday 5th March |
Thursday 6th March |
Week 6 | ||
Monday 10th March |
Tuesday 11th March |
Wednesday 12th-Friday 21st |
Thursday 13th March |
Friday 14th March |
Week 7 | ||
Tuesday 18th March |
Wednesday 19th March |
Wednesday 12th-Friday 21st |
Friday 21st March |
Week 8 | ||
Wednesday 26th March |
Thursday 27th March |
Week 9 | ||
Wednesday 2nd April |
Friday 4th April |
Week 10 | ||
Wednesday 9th April |
Friday 11th April |
Saturday 12th April |
Sunday 13th April |
Saturday 12th-Tuesday 28th April |
Compass Notifications
Please refer to Compass for the following notifications:
- Priority - Swimming Carnival
- NAPLAN Preparations
Clothing Pool Opening Hours
Wednesday: 8:30-9am
Thursday: 8:30-9am
Friday: 8:30-9am
Orders can also be submitted on QKR and then your order will be delivered to your child's classroom.
This Thursday we have the GWS Giants coming to our school as part of their connecting with Canberra. We are very excited to have them again.
Change to Sports Day whole school
Students will be pariticping in AFL Clinics run by AFL Canberra. They will run for 4 weeks this term.
This will mean the whole school will now wear their sports uniform on;
Kindergarten: Monday and Friday
Year One: Monday and Friday
Year Two: Monday and Friday
Year Three: Monday and Thursday
Year Four: Monday and Friday
Years Five and six: Monday and Friday
Swimming Carnival
You have until midnight tonight to have your swimming carnival consent forms in via Compass. Please ensure this has been completed.
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the Sacred Heart library on Tuesday, March 4 to Thursday, March 6. It will run from 8:15 to 8:55 am each morning and from 3:15 to 4:00 pm each afternoon. Today, your child will bring home a flyer which outlines some of the books which are available. Our school library receives credit from the Book Fair sales which we can use to purchase new books and resources. We hope to see you at the Fair.
Mary Help of Christians, South Woden
We hope you are doing well in the lead up to the Lenten season.
Please find in this week’s bulletin:
- Details for Ash Wednesday Mass times & volunteers needed as well as the 2nd Rite of Reconciliation date and time for our Parish & other details,
- The Friendship Group is heading to Batlow 13 March, please RSVP ASAP and
- A reminder of our Healing Mass on Friday 28 Feb at 7pm.
We also have a number of events happening in the Parish/Archdiocese advertised on our website under the News tab.
Private Piano Tuition
- Peter Thorne: 0413 106 584 or Email
50th Reunion - Class of 1975
A reunion will be held on the weekend of 18 October 2025 for students from Catholic Girls High School Braddon and Daramalan College, who finished Year 12 in 1975 (including those from that group who finished before Year 12).
Several activities are planned over the weekend, with the main event on Saturday evening 18th. To RSVP, please use one of the event channels:
Email: or
Facebook: Daramalan College Alumni group; Merici College Alumni group; or Dara - Braddon 1975 group
Spread the word to your classmates!